Friday, March 15, 2013

The Pointyhead Chronicles Part 2: Annabel Lee

Pointyhead Press' first photographic book, using images taken in the winter of 2011 to accompany the text of Edgar Allan Poe's "Annabel Lee." Here's an excerpt from what I wrote in the Preface that sums up the concept:

"Every November the trees of Dovercourt, like many trees all over Toronto and other cities put on their sack cloth coats in preparation for the oncoming winter. These sober garments, suggestive of funeral cerements and historically accompanied by ashes, while suitable attire for the weeping and gnashing of teeth occasioned by the demise of a loved one, frequently transform the trees in surprising ways. They take on dramatic attitudes as if aware of the potential to express through tableaux a piece of seasonally correct thatre. This winter their gaze has evidently fallen on this classic piece of cold weather poetry."

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